Program Participants

SRDS reaches some over million rural dwellers through its various development interventions. SRDS presently works with 8,570,608 rural poor of 22 districts in Bangladesh. Its development aim is to achieve sustainable increases in their living standards. With this aim, SRDS enables those who participate in its program to gain the necessary skills, understanding, confidence, institutions and services; and ensure that the rural communities have the necessary economic, social and environmental resources.

Focus Groups

In its program, SRDS applies these priorities with a continuing focus on the rural poor, marginalized and disenfranchised, with some engagement with urban slum dwellers in regional towns. We work with two main categories.


Our Participants

Our Participants

Our Participants


Excluded and marginalized groups (eg,ultra-poor,indigenous,char/riverine communities, disabled, selected discriminated-against urban poor (slum dwellers, sweeper community etc).


landless and near-landless/marginal farmers, climate change-affected people, small farmers, health service users.

The Particular Focus in All Categories on :



Youth (with special focus on adolescents), and children

Community-based organizations of the focus groups (groups, committees, Federations, CBOs, CSOs (including professional fora)

Relevant civil society groupings and, indirectly, government at district, regional national and international level

Geographic Focus


Continued focus on the deprived Northern region (including the entire newly-established Rangpur Division in the northwest, and selected north-eastern districts)

Within these regions, where opportunities and feasibility permit

To focus on remoter, marginalized and underserved communities


To engage with urban poor communities in regional towns, as opportunities permit

Limited, the selective geographic extension of work primarily to other areas with similar contexts and circumstances to replicate proven approaches or test new ideas

Get In Touch

88-521-53063, +8801713203811, +8801973203811,

House 112/A, Road 10, Gangachara Road, Medical Purboget, Rangpur.

Let’s Build Our Dream Organization Together